luni, 7 iunie 2010

just for you

Today, for your birthday ...
Even you like it or not it's just the way I feel :)


I went everywhere for you
I even did my hair for you
I bought new underwear, they’re blue
And I wore ‘em just the other day

Love, you know I’ll fight for you
I left on the porch light for you
Whether you are sweet or cruel
I’m gonna love you either way

Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
Like a satellite, I’m in an orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can’t go a minute without your love

Love, I got it bad for you
I saved the best I have for you
You sometimes make me sad and blue
Wouldn’t have it any other way

Love, my aim is straight and true
Cupid’s arrow is just for you
I even painted my toe nails for you
I did it just the other day

Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
Like a satellite I’m in an orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can’t go a minute without your love
Oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love

Where you go, I’ll follow
You set the pace, we’ll take it fast and slow
I’ll follow in your way,
You got me, you got me
A force more powerful than gravity
It’s physics, there’s no escape

Love, my aim is straight and true
Cupid’s arrow is just for you
I even painted my toe nails for you
I did it just the other day

Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
Like a satellite I’m in orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can’t go a minute without your
Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
Love, love, love, love, love

marți, 6 aprilie 2010

Omul rau e ca un carbune, daca nu te arde, te-negreste.

Un proverb spune "Nu face rau si nu te va vorbi nimeni de rau". Ei ce sa e chiar asa. Si atunci cand lasi omul in pace si stai in banca ta, cum se spune, chiar si atunci se gaseste unul sa aiba ganduri "numai de bine" legate de persoana ta.
Ma enerveaza genul asta de oameni care ar face rau in mod gratuit. Sau poate ar trebui sa ii multumesc persoanei respective? Asa stiu ca azi sigur s-a gandit cineva la mine, si-a pierdut un pic din timpul sau sa se gandeasca tocmai la mine.
Din pacate i-am acordat si eu atentia ;i nervii mei, nemeritati de altfel.

joi, 14 ianuarie 2010

Ai cum ...

am spus ca nu mai are nimeni cum ..., ca nu-mi mai pasa, ca n-o sa mai plang. Azi am aflat, din nou (a cata oara, oare?) ca sunt o mare mincinoasa. Ai cum ... iar mie chiar imi pasa


duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010


asa cum am luat-o .. o dau mai departe :)

AS VREA: sa fiu iubita
PASTREZ: orice imi aminteste de o persoana draga
MI-AS FI DORIT: sa fi luat unele decizii la momentul potrivit
NU IMI PLACE: cand cineva drag sufera
MA TEM: sa pierd pe cineva din familie
AUD: valurile marii, picaturile de ploaie pe pervaz, sunetul pianului
IMI PARE RAU: cand vorbesc inainte sa gandesc
IMI PLAC: norii, marea, Dunarea, ghioceii
SUNT FOARTE MULTUMIT: cand ajut pe cineva
IMI PLAC: cartile
NU SUNT: razbunatoare
SUNT : un bun prieten, retrasa
DANSEZ: nu atat de mult cat imi place
NICIODATA: nu as supara pe cineva intentionat
PLANG: cand sufar, cand ma simt nedreptatita, la filme
NU IMI PLACE DE MINE: cand nu spun ce simt, cand uit sa zambesc
SUNT CONFUZ SI INDECIS: cand trebuie sa ma despart de cineva
SUNT SIGUR: nu sunt sigura de nimic, niciodata
AM NEVOIE: de Paul
AR TREBUI: sa fiu mai deschisa
VREAU: sa primesc ceea ce ofer
IUBESC: pe Paul, familia si iubesc sa iubesc :)